Red McCombs Hyundai

Drive Belt Replacement Service Near Somerset, TX

Drive Belt Replacement Service Near Somerset, TX

If it looks (or sounds) like your car needs drive belt service near Somerset, Texas, come to Red McCombs Hyundai for expert maintenance. The engine of your vehicle generates the energy for movement and other vital functions under the hood, and the drive belt plays an important part in sending that power where it needs to go. Of course, that drive belt won’t last forever, so It’s essential to have it inspected and replaced before it has a chance to fail. To make sure your drive belt is always in reliable condition, bring your vehicle to our service center near Somerset.

What Does the Drive Belt Do?

The drive belt sends engine power to essential components like the alternator, water pump, power steering, air pump, air conditioning compressor, and more. Also known as the serpentine belt, it winds its way through a series of pulleys and rollers, and the small teeth of the belt interlock toothed wheels on each component to transfer that engine power where needed.

When Does Your Car Need a Drive Belt Replacement?

Drive belts can endure miles of constant turning, but certain factors can impact how long your drive belt will actually last. If It’s exposed to water, oil, or extreme heat, it can start to wear out faster than expected. As it degrades, you might notice some warning signs. If you can see it under the hood, you might inspect it to find worn rubber or missing belt teeth. As you drive, listen out for the telltale squealing noise as well.

Save on Auto Service at Red McCombs Hyundai

Drive belt replacement is an integral part of any vehicle’s maintenance schedule, so don’t ignore this essential component’s service needs. Schedule service with Red McCombs Hyundai whenever your car needs a new drive belt or any other necessary auto care. We’re standing by to work for you at our service center near Somerset, located at 4800 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78229.